Dear Dr. Jones,
This letter is to provide you with feedback regarding the first half of the semester in LTED 618. Overall, I believe that the class is going fantastic and I am learning a lot about the connection between reading and writing so far. I think this class is what I expected, and I am not very surprised at how I've been asked to engage in learning or by what I am learning. I am pleasantly surprised by the blogs though and it has been one of my favorite ways to express what I have learned in any college class. There are a few instructional strategies or learning activities that I plan on using in the future after learning about them in this class. The first activity is the Card Strategy for brainstorming topics and organization during the writing process. I enjoyed that activity and I could imagine my students enjoying it as well. Second, I plan on using the listing attributes strategy that Tompkins mentions and the Double Journal Entry Strategy. Third, I would like to use either personal journal writing or blogging in my classroom in the future. I also really enjoyed learning more about think alouds, interactive writing and interactive read alouds, process assessment and five-senses clusters. I plan on using all of these activities or strategies during my future teaching and I have really enjoyed learning how to create an effective writing workshop which I am passionate about.
I think that the blogs, freewriting, brainstorming activities, and the genre pieces project have positively influenced me as a reader and a writer. I believe that the writing activities in this class have influenced my writing knowledge and fluency. I also believe that the reading activities in this class have increased my knowledge of the connections between reading and writing and have increased my reading fluency. Also, learning new mentor texts in each genre have increased my knowledge and depth of reading possibilities for students. I am not sure if I have any struggles pertaining to this class but I suppose that I have to read the directions for assignments multiple times. I often get the assignments mixed up because the names are very similar. I think I will feel better about the genre presentation after I meet with you this Tuesday. I would like a little more clarification on the genre pieces project though. Other than that, I am loving the class because I have always loved writing and the writing process.
Kerrigan Walters
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